Rebel Bot Commands

Admin Commands

- add-fail-reply |  used to create and add a fail reply to slut/crime

- add-money |  adds money to a specific user

- add-money-role |  adds money to anyone with a specific role

- add-success-reply |  used to create and add a success reply to slut/crime

- chat-money-amount |  sets min/max for chat messages in the specific server

- chat-money-channels |  disables a channel to be used for chat money

- chat-money-cooldown |  sets cooldown for chat messages (how often you get paid per message)

- cock-fight-win-chance |  sets win rate for cock fight game

- create-item |  creates an item for the store [prompts will then follow]

- dashboard | sends a link to your premium dashboard

- delete |  deletes previous messages in a channel (up to 50)

- disable |  disables a command to be used by all users

- disable-command-list |  displays all commands disabled

- delete-item |  deletes an item from the store

- delete-reply |  deletes a fail/success reply from crime/slut

- delete-role-cooldown |  deletes the role cooldown for the games

- edit-item |  edits an item in the store [prompts follow]

- enable |  enables a command to be used by all users if previously disabled

- list-custom-replies |  shows all replies that have been made

- list-role-income |  lists all roles that have income set

- money-audit-log |  sets channel to send the log of all money to

- remove-money |  remove money from a user

- remove-money-role |  remove money from anyone with said role

- reset-economy |  resets everyone's balance to zero

- reset-money |  resets a user's balance to zero

- set-balance-limit |  sets the balance limit for all users in a server

- set-bank-interest-rate |  sets the rate in which money in users bank accounts earn interest per day (via a %)

- set-bet-limit |  set the min/max of bets made in blackjack/roulette/cock-fight

- set-chat-bonus |  command lets you assign any one of your existing roles as a role that earns 2x the amount of chat money!

- set-cooldown |  sets the cooldown for any user command (it shows in seconds but you can type 3m for 3 minutes)

- set-cooldown-interval |  sets a cooldown for how many times you can use a command in a time frame (this command overrides the other cooldown)

- set-currency |  sets the currency symbol

- set-fail-rate |  sets the rate at which crime/slut fail [percentage]

- set-fine-amount |  sets min/max for losing money in crime/slut

- set-payout |  sets min/max for payout for crime/slut

- set-role-cooldown |  sets the cooldown time for all games based on a role

- set-role-income |  sets the rate of income for a role per hour

- view-role-cooldown |  views the cooldown for a specific role

Member Commands

- balance |  displays users balance and their position

- blackjack |  plays a blackjack game

- buy |  buys an item from the store

- cock-fight |  bet on a chicken fight

- coin-flip |  bet money on heads or tails

- craps |  plays a game of craps

- craps-info |  provides info on how to play craps

- crime |  commits a crime

- deposit |  deposit money into your bank

- economy-stats |  displays the total money in the economy held by everyone in the server

- fish |  goes fishing for an item in the store labeled as a fish

- give |  gives an item to a user

- give-money |  gives money to a user

- inventory |  views the items you own

- item-info |  displays all the info about an item

- leaderboard |  displays the top 10 users with the most money in the server

- money |  shows your balance and your leaderboard position

- ping |  shows the responsiveness of the bot to commands (this is a per user reply, use the command 2x first to get accurate results)

- poker |  play a game of poker

- poker-info |  learn the rules of poker

- roll |  rolls a dice

- roulette |  plays the roulette game

- roulette-info |  shows info on how to play roulette

- sell |  sells an item from your inventory [will give you what its worth in the store]

- slots |  test your luck with the slot machine

- slots-info |  shows info about the slot machine and multipliers

- slut |  become a slut to earn money

- store |  views the items in the store

- use |  use an item [replies to a use message if you have one set for the item]

- withdraw |  moves money from your bank to cash

- work |  work for money

Rebel Mod Bot Commands

Free (Mod/Member) Commands

- add-role |  adds a role to a user

- announce |  sends an announcement to a channel

- ban |  bans a user

- clear |  deletes messages from a channel

- clear-user |  deletes messages from a channel for a user

- disable-leave |  disables leave channel

- disable-welcome |  disables welcome channel

- enable-leave |  enables leave channel

- enable-welcome |  enables welcome channel

- faq |  views the faq message for the server

- feedback |  allows users to submit feedback

- kick |  kicks a user from the server

- lock |  locks a channel from sending messages in

- mute |  mutes a member

- ping |  shows the bot's responsiveness

- poll |  creates a poll for users

- preview-leave |  shows the leave message

- preview-welcome |  shows the welcome message

- remove-role |  removes a role from a user

- remove-warn |  removes a warning from a user

- report |  reports a user in the server

- role-info |  shows info about a role

- rules |  shows the server's rules channel

- schedule |  schedules an event and sends a message

- server-info |  shows info about the server

- set-faq-message |  sets the message to be displayed for the /faq command

- set-feedback-channel |  sets the channel that feedback goes to

- set-leave-channel |  sets the channel for leave messages

- set-leave-message |  sets the leave message

- set-report-channel |  sets the channel that reports show up in

- set-report-cooldown |  sets the cooldown of how many reports users can submit

- set-rules-channel |  sets the rules channel

- set-welcome-channel |  sets the channel that the welcome message shows up in

- set-welcome-message |  sets the welcome message

- slowmode |  enables slowmode in a channel

- tempban |  temporarily bans a user

- unban |  unbans a user

- unlock |  unlocks a channel to send messages

- unmute |  unmutes a user

- userinfo |  shows info about a user

- warn |  warns a user

- warnings |  lists the warnings for a user

Premium Commands (free for right now)

- auto-role |  sets the role for when a user joins the server

- leaderboard |  shows xp leaderboard

- list-role |  lists roles associated with xp levels

- rank |  shows a user's xp level

- remove-level-role |  removes a role from an xp level

- remove-xp |  removes xp from a user

- reset-xp |  resets xp of a user

- role-reaction |  sends a message that members can react to, to get in server roles

- set-level |  sets the level for a user

- set-level-role |  sets the role given for a desired level

- set-level-update-channel |  sets the channel that level ups go to for users

- set-xp-req |  sets the xp required to level up to each level

- show-roles |  shows the roles given for each level assigned

- show-xp-req |  shows the xp required for each level